Independent oversight and scrutiny play an essential part in ensuring that our provision is delivering the best possible quality of education and support for our learners. Our Board of Governors is made up of individuals with a passion for education and a broad range of skills in the business and education sectors.
The Board of Governors meets quarterly, focus on our mission, establishing strategy and maintaining the overall framework of policies and procedures. Our Governors help to maintain a long-term focus whilst working on shorter-term plans and goals. Our Governors seek to ensure that Heart of England Training thrives as a training provider and they make an active contribution to the success of our learners and staff.
Board of Governors
Working with HOET has been a real learning experience for me. I’ve had the privilege of working within the education sector for in excess of 20 years but to have the opportunity to be part of an organisation with an absolute commitment to excellence is a joy. Each time I speak with or come across HOET staff, apprentices, learners and governors I see passion and dedication to develop future talent in an environment that is secure and nurturing. If I am able to bring any insight or perspective from my career to assist or make a small improvement to the success of learners and apprentices then it will be time well spent.
Become a Governor
We are currently looking to appoint a new Governor, preferably a parent. For more information, or to apply, please email Matthew Barry.
Policies & Procedures
Please find below the links to some of the key policies and procedures within which Heart of England Training operates: