Safeguarding and Prevent

Heart of England Training is committed to the safeguarding of learners and expects everyone to share these values. ‘Safeguarding looks at keeping children, young people and vulnerable adults safe from a wide range of potential harm and delivers preventative action, not just reaction.’ ‘Prevent is part of the UK’s counter terrorism strategy, preventing people from becoming involved in terrorism.’ Heart of England Training is committed to ensuring that you are kept free from harm and not exposed to any extremist ideologies. We expect our learners to commit to our policies to help ensure a safe and happy learning experience.

To explore our Health & Wellbeing Hub, click here.

Publication of the NEW KCSiE (Keeping Children Safe in Education) 2024

The Department for Education (DfE) has published an updated version of its statutory KCSiE for schools in England, which will comes into force on 1st September 2023. There has been several changes in the terminology used as part of the guidance. The Equality act has also been updated to encourage a more positive action when dealing with particular disadvantages affecting pupils or students. A new paragraph that has been added is surrounding forced marriage that outlines that as of February 2023 this was made a crime. You can find a full resource pack for this.

British Values

Heart of England Training advocates, promotes and teaches the core British Values because the Government believes that doing so will make people more resilient towards attempts to radicalise them and support them with life in modern Britain. These essential values support individuals to become rounded and valuable members of our society.


Show respect for democracy and support participation in democratic processes.

The Rule of Law

Appreciate that living under the rule of law protects us and is essential for your wellbeing and safety.

Individual Liberty

Allows you to develop your self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence.

Mutual Respect & Tolerance

Show mutual respect and tolerance to those with different faiths and beliefs.

Designated Safeguarding Leads

Jan Gibson
0800 028 1576
Matthew Barry
0800 028 1576


Safeguarding Policies

Safeguarding & Prevent Referral Links

The last couple of years have been very different with a new set of challenges from the Coronavirus pandemic. Online training, IAG and enrolments have been very positive and enabled us to provide continuity of training, but of course it’s more important than ever to stay safe online and we recommend the NSPCC range of excellent resources.

NSPCC Be Strong Online ThinkUKnow
UK Safer Internet Centre Internet Matters  

Restrictions to movement and contact with other people means you could be more likely to beat risk of mental health problems. We aim to make learners and their families aware of where further support can be found.

Staff will make welfare check-ins with their learners and will refer students if they are concerned.

The Department for Education have produced guidance to support parents: click here.

Further help and guidance can be found at:


Coronavirus advice &

mental health support

Mental Health Support & Referrals (Birmingham)

Emotional wellbeing and counselling with self-help articles

The Mix

Online support service
for young people

Calm Harm

App providing help for those who use self-harm as a coping strategy

Carrs Lane
Let’s Talk Wellbeing
(Coventry & Warwickshire)

The government definition of domestic violence and abuse:  ‘Any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are or have been intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality’.

Violence and abuse towards under 16s is child abuse.

It is recognised that a child who sees, hears or is exposed to abuse in their home is also a victim as the impact can be devastating.

Women’s Aid


Womens’ Aid

(Birmingham & Solihull)

Coventry Haven Families First



United Against Violence & Abuse (Leicestershire)


Helping men escape domestic abuse

Men’s Advice Line

Help and support for male survivors

The Hideout

Online help and support for young people

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, many survivors of abuse may feel extremely isolated at home with an abuser.

Covid-19 safety and support resources:

Coercive control:


Recognising sexual abuse, information and advice

The Survivors Trust

Umbrella agency for nationwide services


Rape & Sexual Violence Project (Birmingham)


Coventry Rape & Sexual Abuse Centre


Rape or Sexual Abuse (Warwickshire)

Jasmine House



Help and support for male survivors

NSPCC Dedicated Helpine

Including abuse in football

See Me Hear Me

(Birmingham and Coventry)

Something’s not right


New Futures Project

Rape & Sexual Violence Project (Birmingham)


Online Child Exploitation Operations Command


Every Child Against Trafficking


(Birmingham’s young people’s service)

Positive Choices



(Warwickshire young people’s service)

Turning Point


Talk to Frank

Online information and support

Further Support

Support for Victims of Terrorism – Information on where to seek advice and assistance following a terrorist attack.

Are you worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating with you online?