We offer advice on key information for employers on the benefits of apprentices and how they can help your businesses. Apprenticeships are suitable for people at any level. For example, an intermediate apprenticeship (level 2) is equivalent to GCSE level, while a degree apprenticeship (level 6 or 7) is equivalent to a bachelor’s or master’s degree.
An apprentice must:
- be 16 years old or over by the end of the summer holidays
- live in England
- not already be in full-time education
We pride ourselves on our flexibility to work with you and deliver a programme that is tailored to your individual business needs as well as the the ever-changing skills requirements of the wider labour market. We also offer a free recruitment service if you are looking to take-on a new apprentice rather than put an existing member of staff through one of our courses.
We work with over 500 employers, including…