Apprenticeship Recruitment

If you choose to go down the apprenticeship route with a new member of staff, we can support you with the recruitment process as a free wraparound service. This recruitment service forms a key component of our relationships with employers: we can reduce the time taken to hire, and we can significantly reduce your administration and overheads involved in the process of recruiting.

You can tap into our expertise and rest assured that we will provide everything up to interview stage. Most importantly – if we do not find a suitable person for you, there is no exposure to your business. You can simply walk away.

You may be entitled to a financial incentive from the Government for recruiting a new apprentice. We will advise you of the current incentives and work with you to produce an appropriate job description before advertising the vacancy on the National Apprenticeship Service website and our various online platforms. The advert must be live on the National Apprenticeship Service for a minimum of two weeks; although we recommend a minimum of three weeks to ensure the best exposure for your vacancy. We will provide weekly management information.

Our recruitment service is free on the basis that HOET provides the training for the candidate’s apprenticeship qualification. If you decided to employ one of our candidates – but not to pursue the training through HOET – an introductory fee would be charged. Our free recruitment services does not include referencing or ‘right to work’ checks.

How does it work?

We have created this short video to guide you through our FREE 10-step recruitment process and to show you how we strive to provide the best value for your business.

Your Apprenticeship Account Manager will support you with conducting a ‘skill scan’ to ensure that you are choosing the most suitable qualification to match the role in which the apprentice will be employed. Once we have agreed on the chosen Apprenticeship Standard, our Recruitment Team will go ahead with the advertising process, working closely with our Marketing & Communications Team to ensure optimum exposure through our mailing lists, databases and connections with local schools, colleges and careers advisory services.