Beauty Therapy Courses at HOET

Beauty Therapy is a rapidly growing industry as more and more people choose to spend their disposable income on looking and feeling good about themselves. Unlike many other training providers, a full-time Beauty course at Heart of England Training is based in one of our training salons which enables you to gain valuable commercial experience alongside building-up your technical and theoretical skillset.

We offer Beauty Therapy at Levels 2 and 3 – so you can progress through all levels with us. Heart of England Training has great links with employers – so if you would like to progress onto a paid apprenticeship or full-time employment, we can assist you.

Why study with us?

What makes us different is the commercial nature of our Hair & Beauty Colleges: when you join one of our courses, you will be working on actual paying clients within the training salon. That's right - no blockheads and dummies...real customers! This empowers you to develop customer service skills as well as experience on the salon floor. Our beauty rooms are well-equipped and we are very proud to stock and use Dermalogica products in our training salons.

Where can you study?

We operate four Hair & Beauty Colleges where we deliver Beauty Therapy courses: Birmingham, Coventry, Leicester and Rugby. We work with some of the top local salons to provide excellent work experience opportunities.

What happens after?

Upon successful completion of your study programme, you can work towards the next level (up to level 3) either remaining on a full-time course within the College or by moving over to an apprenticeship in a local salon or spa. Alternatively, you could look at expanding your skillset with a complementary apprenticeship such as Customer Service.

Entry requirements

There are no formal entry requirements. However, if you do not hold a GCSE grade C/4 in English and Maths, we will incorporate English and/or Maths functional skills or GCSEs into your training.

Assessment methods

Your performance will be monitored throughout the programme by our trainers through practical demonstrations, observations, assignments and theory work. If you need to incorporate functional skills (English and Maths) into your training, you can choose how and when you would like to take your exam(s).

Not looking for a full-time course?

Perhaps you’re already a qualified beauty therapist and you’re looking to refresh your skills after a career break. Perhaps there is a particular service/technique you’d like to sharpen-up on. We offer a pay as you go private learning option where you can work with our Educators at our training salon to bring you back up to speed, or equally to guide you through a NVQ diploma at your own pace.

  • Qualification and Quality Assurance Fee: £200
  • Course fee (per day): £55

If you are interested in joining us as a private learner, please contact us today.

General full-time course information

During your course, we will support you with work experience which will assist you when the time comes to decide on your next steps.

Whilst on our full-time courses, you will be supported to progress with Maths and English. This could involve taking Functional Skills qualifications or even retaking GCSEs with us when you are ready.

Financial support 16-19

The 16-19 Bursary Fund helps young people who face the greatest barriers to continue in education or training; they must be over 16 but under 19 on 31st August 2022 to be eligible for the 2022 – 2023 academic year.

The fund has two elements:

1. Vulnerable Bursary

A bursary of up to £1,200 a year for young people in the following defined vulnerable groups:

  • in care
  • care leavers
  • receiving Income Support (IS), or Universal Credit (UC) because they are financially supporting themselves or financially supporting themselves and someone who is dependent on them and living with them, such as a child or partner receiving Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Personal Independence Payments (PIP) in their own right, as well as Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) or UC in their own right

Application evidence requirements

  • for students who are in care or a care leaver, written confirmation of their current or previous looked-after status from the relevant local authority – this is the local authority that looks after them or provides their leaving care services. The evidence could be a letter or an email but must be clearly from the local authority
  • for students in receipt of UC or IS, a copy of their UC or IS award notice. This must clearly state that the claim is in the student’s name/confirm they are entitled to the benefits in their own right. The evidence must not state any conditions that prevent them from participating in further education or training. For students in receipt of UC, institutions must also see a document such as a tenancy agreement in the student’s name, a child benefit receipt, children’s birth certificates, utility bills and so on
  • for students receiving UC/ESA and DLA and PIP, a copy of their UC claims from DWP. Evidence of receipt of DLA or PIP must also be provided

2. Discretionary Bursary

Awards to young people facing the greatest financial barriers to participation.

Bursaries are assessed on each student’s individual circumstances and their actual financial need. To assess your needs, we require clear and accurate evidence attached at the online application stage.


If you are under 19 at the start of your course and are on benefits or have a net household income of £35,000 or less

If you are 19 and over

You could also get a bursary if you either:

  • are continuing on a course you started aged 16 to 18 (known as being a ’19+ continuer’)
  • have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)

Application evidence requirements

This could include:

  • Three most recent monthly Universal Credit Award Statements. This must state your take-home pay figure in addition to the amount of UC awarded after all deductions
  • Statement of Need – this will only be considered in exceptional circumstances but must be supported with evidence of household income i.e., Three most recent payslips (for all applicant’s parents/guardians residing in the household)

Free Meals – evidence requirement

  • Income Support
  • income-based Jobseekers Allowance
  • income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • the guarantee element of State Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit (provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190, as assessed by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC))
  • Working Tax Credit run-on – paid for 4 weeks after someone stops qualifying for Working Tax Credit
  • UC with net earnings not exceeding the equivalent of £7,400 for each year (after tax and not including any benefits they get)

Working Tax Credit is not a qualifying benefit for free meal

In 2022/23 If you are eligible, we could help with:

  • 100% of the cost of a bus pass
  • 75% of the cost of recommended equipment and material fees

Applications for recommended costs, i.e. equipment, fees and transport are considered a priority and will be processed at or after enrolment.


If you are successful in your application, you will be required to submit travel receipts which will be reimbursed weekly, directly to a bank account which must be in your own name.

How to apply

Once you have enrolled onto a programme, in order to apply for support funds, you will need to complete the 16-19 support fund application form, available here.

Childcare may be supported through the ‘care to learn’ scheme. For more information, visit

Apply here for Bursary support.

Yes – it’s not all work, work, work! With our courses, you will also have the opportunity to visit companies and enjoy a wide range of trips and activities. And…a high percentage of young people who attend our academies progress into an apprenticeship, job or further education. HOET also offers a wide range of ‘Personal Development’ sessions, trips and workshops to support your needs.