Customer Service Apprenticeships
Customer Service comes into almost every job, opportunities are many and varied and found in most organisations. This includes providing customer service products and services for businesses and other organisations including face-to-face, telephone, digital and written contact and communications. Our apprenticeships are suitable for school leavers looking to start their careers and those already working in a role who want to gain an industry related qualification…
An apprenticeship standard in Customer service at Level 2 or 3 is a nationally recognised route to a wide variety of professions. The standards and assessment plans that candidates work towards are set by a number of big employers including the British Council, Boots, Superdrug, BT, E.ON energy and many more.
There will be an end point assessment involved in both level 2 and level 3. End Point Assessment (EPA) is the name given to a series of tests a candidate must take at the end of the course to prove their ability to do the job they have been training for. See requirements for each Level below.
Level 2 Customer Service Apprenticeship
Customer Service Practitioner
- Learning while you are employed full time to an Apprenticeship standard in Customer Service Level 2 and Functional skills in English and Maths at Level 1 and 2 (if required).
- Typical duration is 12-15 months.
- Learning in your workplace through face to face visits, remote sessions and virtual learning environments.
• Knowing your customers
• Understanding the organisation
• Meeting regulations and legislation
• Systems and resources
• Customer experience
• Product and service knowledge
• Interpersonal skills
• Communication
• Influencing skills
• Personal organisation
• Dealing with customer conflict and challenge
• Developing self
• Being open to feedback
• Team working
• Equality – treating all customers as individuals
• Presentation – dress code, professional language correct first time
End-Point Assessment
EPA consists of three assessments; a practical observation of the candidate within their customer service role examination of the showcase portfolio and a professional discussion. Total time for the EPA is 3 hours. Observations will be pre-planned and scheduled to when the candidate will be in their normal place of work. The professional discussion will be between the candidate and the EPA organisation. All elements of the EPA are combined to determine the EPA grade Pass, Merit or Distinction according to guidance in the assessment plan. This takes up to 3 weeks.
Level 3 Customer Service Apprenticeship
Level 3 Apprenticeship
Customer Service Specialist
- Learning while you are employed full time to an Apprenticeship standard in Customer Service Level 3 and Functional skills in English and Maths at Level 2 (if required).
- Typical duration is 15-18 months.
- Learning in your workplace through face to face visits, remote sessions and virtual learning environments.
Course Content
• Business knowledge and understanding
• Customer journey knowledge
• Knowing your customers and their needs
• Customer insight
• Customer service culture
• Environment awareness
• Business focused service delivery
• Providing a positive customer experience
• Working with your customers
• Customer insight
• Customer service performance
• Develop self
• Ownership and responsibility
• Team working
• Equality – treating all customers as individuals
• Presentation – dress code, professional language correct first time
End Point Assessment Information
Candidates will be required to complete a practical observation with a professional discussion based upon their portfolio of evidence from on programme. The interview on the work based project, observation, Q&A and the professional discussion on the portfolio last an hour. Total time for the EPA is 3 hours. All elements of the EPA are combined to determine the EPA grade of a Pass, Merit or Distinction according to guidance in the assessment plan. This takes up to 3 weeks.