The ESFA, having reformed the apprenticeship programme over the past five years, now wants to “make it simpler to use for employers, training providers and apprentices themselves”.

Published by the Education and Skills Funding Agency, from August the apprenticeship system will be simplified with the following improvements:

  • Simpler to accelerate through an apprenticeship: Apprentices will be able to cut-out training they do not require to progress through their apprenticeship more quickly. This means they can spend more time in the workplace, becoming fully competent within that environment, boosting productivity and potential earnings.
  • Introduced baseline for off-the-job training: Apprentices that work more than 30 hours a week will be able to spend more time on the job delivering for employers, while still getting the vital training they need to complete their apprenticeship. This change must not dilute the existing requirement – to provide the right level of training to every apprentice.
  • English and Maths requirements: People that start a level 2 apprenticeship will no longer need to automatically attempt level 2 English and Maths tests to complete their apprenticeship.
  • Initial Assessment added to eligible costs: The agency revealed that the initial assessment has been added as an eligible cost. The ESFA will provide full details when they publish the outcome of the eligible costs review (something they have looked upon for over a year).

Announcing the rule changes to this effect, skills minister Alex Burghart said:

“We have transformed apprenticeships so they offer a high-quality route into professions as diverse as engineering, healthcare and digital for young people starting their careers, or adults hoping to retrain and upskill.”

“We now want to focus on making the system as simple and user-friendly as possible, reducing bureaucratic burdens on employers and providers and giving apprentices the best possible experience.”

The changes to recognition of prior learning, off-the-job-training and Functional Skills will come into effect in August 2022 and are outlined in the draft apprenticeship funding rules for training providers and employers. Following a review of feedback, the final version will be published July next month.