This year for National Apprenticeship Week, we asked our learners about their experience doing an apprenticeship with Heart of England Training. Nia Presley, Assistant Business Manager at Selwood Academy, shared her journey as a School Business Professional Apprentice… 

What made you decide to do your apprenticeship? 

Having made the decision not to go to university, I often felt limited in my career options. Being a homeowner, I couldn’t afford to reduce my working hours to attend university, an apprenticeship offered me the opportunity to gain a credible qualification in a shorter time frame, whilst still being in full time employment.

How have you found your apprenticeship as a whole? What have you enjoyed most?

I enjoyed having exposure to a variety of learning areas, this approach allowed me to identify my strengths and build my confidence as well as having the chance to develop in newer areas. I also enjoyed documenting my journey through a learning journal, this gave me a prompt to reflect on what was gained from each situation I was faced with.

How has completing an apprenticeship developed/helped you with your career?

During my apprenticeship I gained a better knowledge of the role I was working towards. At the end of my apprenticeship, I received two competitive job offers. I am now in a new role and thoroughly enjoying it, I don’t believe I would have been successful in securing this without the behaviours, skills and knowledge gained during my apprenticeship. I finished my apprenticeship with a new respect for my profession and the confidence in myself to set standards and boundaries to support my work.

How have you found the training you have received from HOET, has anything stood out for you?

Overall the training I received provided me with the tools and knowledge to complete my qualification. Part way through my apprenticeship I had a change of tutor, this was a real pivotal moment for me. My new tutor was the perfect match for me, she really understood me as a person, how I worked and what I needed to succeed. The support and encouragement I received was a key factor in achieving my distinction grade.

What piece of advice would you give to someone thinking of doing an apprenticeship?

You will need time, commitment and self-motivation, but the end result is so worth it!