“We’ve always had apprentices,” says Michelle Hill, Client Services Manager at Fulcrum Automotive Solutions. “They have been an integral part of our business as it has grown.”

For Michelle, it’s all about nurturing: young people can find their transition from school to workplace a huge culture shock… “and they don’t come in ready to go!” Equally as important, according to Michelle, is commitment: employers must be prepared for that transition and provide the suitable training time so that apprentices can complete their qualification.

In return, says Michelle, “it’s amazing to watch them learn your ways”, as apprentices develop professional skillsets and new levels of confidence within their role. But what is often more rewarding is witnessing young people flourish as individuals: beginning to look after themselves, learning to drive, starting a family and having children…

For example, three years ago when Michelle took-on 16-year-old Jess as an apprentice, she was sullen and disengaged. Now, Jess cares about her customers, is loyal to the business and is, without question, one of Michelle’s most flexible and highly-trained employees. Even better, Jess’ younger sister is now an apprentice at Fulcrum, too.

Michelle has enjoyed an excellent relationship with Heart of England Training, in particular with Lois (Apprenticeship Account Manager) and Charlotte (Educator). Michelle considers them part of the Fulcrum team.

“Charlotte is particularly wonderful”, says Michelle, complimenting her nurturing approach and how she understands young people, with a strong desire for them to get through and succeed. “Charlotte understands the culture here, and really works with our apprentices to add variety to their assessments and tasks. She has revolutionised our world here.”