Zac recently joined Heart of England Training as an educator, he just started delivering Associate Project Management and cohort Team Leader Level 3.

Zac came from Australia, working in Government Departments for a few years. After saving money he moved overseas, becoming an English Teacher in international schools in Cambodia and Vietnam, but had to move online during the pandemic.

“Duolingo was my last role, working in their English accreditation department. And then I’ve landed on my feet here in the UK and joined Heart of England”

So why did he move to ‘sunny England’? Zac said “It’s an endless question I get asked, but it’s nice to have some stability after the pandemic and my partner is from Bristol so pleased to spend time with family and friends”

Zac discovered Heart of England Training through Carl Stephens, who suggested the position to him, so he ‘jumped in’. He loves helping people through their apprenticeship journey while staying in that education space.

‘Ben and Liam have both been great in terms of easing me into it, checking in and supporting me through it. It’s been a pleasant change having such an invested management team.’ He also wanted to give a shout-out to the other educators who made him feel very welcome and have supported him.

Outside of work, Zac is an avid cook and green thumb. He loves getting out and exploring the UK all while soaking up the British culture.

His go-to Karaoke song would be ‘If I can dream’ by Elvis Presley. He recently watched the Elvis movie, “It has just been Elvis on repeat in my head”.

Zac’s one piece of advice for someone starting an apprenticeship is: “Have an open mind, keep chipping away at it. It’s a marathon, not a sprint’