This summer, thousands of professional hair artists and colour enthusiasts came together to celebrate the 66th annual L’Oréal Colour Trophy Awards in London.

The Secret Garden, a salon based in Leicester, won the Regional Award for the East-Midlands. Entering the competition for the second time within three years of opening their salon.          We reached out to them and asked a few questions following their award-winning achievement.

What does this award mean to your salon? 

It proves to us that we are good at what we do as hair colourists. It’s nice to see that we are succeeding as a salon.

How does this help your business & staff?

It puts us on the map with entering competitions, and has opened doors to us. It gives us all lots of confidence.

Would you recommend having an apprentice join your salon, if so, why?

It’s on the job training, and they can learn and earn at the same time. Full time college may not give the stylists the experience. With apprenticeships it gives them more advanced training.

How do you think winning an award like this helps your apprentice?

It makes them more excited to work and build on their training.

What advice would you give to someone considering an apprenticeship?

Apprenticeships are more structured to meet the apprentices needs, and it gives you more skills and confidence. I have done the apprenticeship programme myself, so I can relate to how beneficial it can be.

What is next for the salon?

We are now doing more collaborations with clothing brands, and always looking for more opportunities as a salon and as a team.

The salon prides itself in creating a luxury experience for all clients, specialising in colour, hair extensions and styling skills. This is a well-deserved achievement and Heart of England Training wishes them a huge congratulations! To read all the award highlights, published by Hairdressers Journal, click here.