In November, we met Eloise Godding, a Hairdressing Apprentice from Locks & Shades. She became a finalist for the Apprentice of the Year Awards, as well as becoming a nominee for the Peterborough Telegraph Apprenticeship Awards.

Eloise started out as a Saturday girl at the salon for two years, starting her level 2 hair apprenticeship over a year ago. She decided to go down the apprenticeship route to gain experience and endless opportunities.

“You pick up from other stylists…What I have enjoyed the most is seeing how different people work, picking up different things and you find your technique and how you work”

“You find who you really are” she added “It helps a lot, it really does”

Looking back, Eloise felt she has quickly developed during her apprenticeship.

“With an apprenticeship, you find so much more confidence…you flourish and find yourself”.

You can find out more about Eloise’s Apprenticeship journey at Locks & Shades with our video – Click here